How can I view the progress of the participants in my group?

Only users who have been granted 'mentor' privileges will be able to view the progress of other users in their group. These privileges are usually granted to principals or coaches who are facilitating the group's professional learning.

If you have mentor privileges, you will see a 'Reports' menu on the left hand side of the screen, which looks like the image shown below.

Reports block

The 'Activity completion' link in the menu takes you to a report which shows an overview of the progress of the participants in your group.

The 'Activity views' link in the menu takes you to a report which shows the number of times particular activities has been viewed by members of your group.

As a 'mentor', you will also be able to track which participants have completed the course in its entirety. Once you reach the 'Certificate of completion' activity in the final module of the course, you will see a link in the top right corner of the report to 'View issued certificates'.

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